MCGS Special Interest Groups
VIRTUAL Meeting every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. Here's where you can talk about your genealogy and family history research to your heart's content and people will actually listen to you and their eyes won't glaze over!
Join the "Bunch" at anytime! Grab a sandwich, and come and go as you need to. This free-ranging conversation among genealogy friends always yields great information and builds relationships across local, state, and regional boundaries. No registration required but there are some guidelines:
Join the "Bunch" at anytime! Grab a sandwich, and come and go as you need to. This free-ranging conversation among genealogy friends always yields great information and builds relationships across local, state, and regional boundaries. No registration required but there are some guidelines:
- Please turn on your camera. This fosters the sense of connection and engagement that makes this virtual meeting a unique experience that so closely resembles an in-person meeting.
- Remember to be respectful and considerate of other’s opinions and contributions. When disagreements arise, common courtesy helps to maintain a positive community spirit.
Explore the World of RootsMagic with Us!
Join us monthly on the second Thursday at 2:30 p.m. CDT for an informal and interactive session dedicated to all things RootsMagic. Whether you're a seasoned user of RootsMagic 9, still navigating earlier versions, or never used RootsMagic at all, this monthly virtual meeting on Zoom is your go-to space for Q&A, discussions and valuable insights using.this popular genealogy software.
Zotero 7 for Genealogy SIG
MEETS VIRTUALLY the third Thursday of the months at 2:30 p.m. CT to learn from other attendees how to use this free, extremely flexible research tool for collecting, organizing, annotating, citing, and sharing your genealogy research. To keep the group interaction to approximately one hour, participation may be limited at any time. You must register and answer the survey questions. Your registration will be reviewed before it is approved.
MEETS VIRTUALLY the third Thursday of the months at 2:30 p.m. CT to learn from other attendees how to use this free, extremely flexible research tool for collecting, organizing, annotating, citing, and sharing your genealogy research. To keep the group interaction to approximately one hour, participation may be limited at any time. You must register and answer the survey questions. Your registration will be reviewed before it is approved.
All programs (both virtual and in-person) are open to the public. Virtual meetings prefer that you turn on your camera . Common courtesy in interactions with other participants is expected. Be a part of MCGS and become a member! Your membership gives you the opportunity to "give back" to the larger genealogy community and your dues help provide more and better resources for researchers. The regular monthly meeting is the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
We Are Here for You
Whether you have Muskogee County ancestors or have no family connection to Muskogee County or even Oklahoma, you will still find extensive support for your genealogy and family history research at the Muskogee County Genealogical Society (MCGS).
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