About Us
The Muskogee County Genealogical Society was formed in 1983.
Purpose: The Society shall bring together those persons interested in the history and genealogy of the community. Mission: a. To promote genealogy and family history research, standard practices, and methods. b. To provide education, assistance, and resources that further genealogy and family history research. c. To contribute to the genealogy and family history holdings of the Muskogee Public Library. Monthly programs are open to the public, but we encourage you to become a member pf MCGS! Your membership dues help provide more and better resources for the area's genealogical community. The regular monthly meeting is the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. In-person + virtual meetings are held in March, June, September, and December. All other monthly meetings are virtual only. For security and privacy, you must register to access all virtual meetings. Registration link is on the homepage. |
Board of Directors 2024
President - Linda Morgan Clark Vice President - Karen Cookson Secretary - Linda Stout Treasurer - Carole Fisher Members at Large - Sue Tolbert Connie Reeves Mary Downing Dorothy Becknell The Board of Directors is now meeting virtually via Zoom until further notice. The board meets the third Monday of each month at 2:30 PM. If a society member wishes to join the online meeting in listen only mode, please send us an email. |